Reiki Training

Reiki Training

Reiki Body Spirit Mind Cumbernauld
Reiki Training Body Spirit Mind Cumbernauld

Reiki I Degree Training

The Reiki weekend will take you through a comprehensive history of Reiki Healing, the 5 Reiki Principles and the hand positions required to carry out a full body treatment. You will learn techniques for grounding and protecting yourself. You will be introduced to the energy anatomy and the basic chakra system. You will receive instruction on contraindications which have to be considered and will learn how Reiki can be applied not only to adults, but also to children and animals. Self-Reiki will be an integral part of this weekend.

The course starts at 9.00am on both days for a prompt 9.30am start; the course will finish at 5.30 – 6pm

Date to be confirmed Venue: Sandra Graham’s home, Cumbernauld Cost: £222.22

Reiki Training Body Spirit Mind Cumbernauld

Reiki II Degree Training

The Reiki II training is for first degree graduates who wish to pursue a higher advanced level of Reiki. You are given the gift of three sacred symbols which empowers you also enhancing your relationship with yourself, others, partners and everyone you come into contact with. In addition you will develop the ability to send distance healing. You will also learn how to focus the energy to cleanse houses and work places and utilise this skill wherever it is needed. There will be more work on Self-Reiki and the importance of being able to heal yourself before you can heal others.

The course starts at 9.00am on both days for a prompt 9.30am start; the course will finish at 5.30 – 6pm

Date to be confirmed Venue: Sandra Graham’s home, Cumbernauld Cost: £266.66

Reiki Training Body Spirit Mind Cumbernauld

Reiki III Degree Training

The Reiki III training is for second degree graduates who wish to pursue a highest level of Reiki. You are given the gift of two further sacred symbols which empowers your practice

Date to be confirmed Venue: Sandra Graham’s home, Cumbernauld Cost: £333.33

To Book your place on our upcoming Reiki Courses – please complete the form below.

When we have received your form we will contact you to confirm your place and dates of courses II and III (when they become available) and will advise you how to make payment.


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