Price: £60
Duration: 1 hour
Benefits of Reiki
Each person’s experience of Reiki is, of course, different and unique, because each of us is special and individual.
Reiki works on all levels – body, mind, emotions and spirit in the priority order best suited to you personally.
Some of the benefits known to have happened from experiencing Reiki treatments are:
- Increased inner harmony and ability to cope
- Release of suppressed emotions and past hurts
- Greater ability to love and accept self and others
- A more positive and confident outlook
- More courage to make change
- Blossoming of hidden talents and creativity
Zoom Treatments
A Hypnotherapy session can also be offered over zoom
Hypnotherapy – Reiki – Bach Remedy
Call 07760 105 740 to book and pay for your treatment.
Reiki (Ray-Key) – a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy, is the vital life energy which flows through all living things and which can be activated for the purposes of healing. It dates back to about 1000BC and was rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui in the 19th Century.
Reiki encourages your body’s natural ability to heal itself and is channelled through the practitioners’ hands. The Reiki energy will then go as deeply into your body as it needs, gently helping it to restore itself.
A Reiki treatment is simple, safe, non-intrusive, gentle yet powerful. You lie down fully clothes and comfortable on a treatment table. Each hand position is held for several minutes as the need requires – starting with the head and face followed by the shoulders, arms, truck, legs and feet. Allow about an hour.
There is no pressure – making it ideal if you are elderly, very young, a pregnant mum or recovering from surgery.
Because the whole body is treated fully the energy of Reiki can go right to the source of any imbalance and not simply to the manifesting symptoms, peacefully and gently restoring harmony.
Generally you will notice a feeling of warmth. As the energy brings your body into balance, stress and tension are released and you will feel a deep down feeling of relaxation; it has been know for patients to fall asleep. A Reiki treatment will help you to feel invigorated, inspired, rebalanced and revitalised.
Reiki is particularly good for treating stress, anxiety and bereavement issues but there is no health problem – physical, mental or emotional = for which Reiki cannot offer relief and frequent release. It is a completely safe holistic way of lessening dis-ease, complementing most kind of medical treatment.
This depends on your personal level of health and why you choose Reiki. Your own attitude to your need for dis-ease is always a contributory factor together with the amount of time you are willing to devote to achieving your own optimum level of well-being. For a quick boost of energy – one session may be sufficient; the longer you have had a health imbalance the longer it could take to release it. Whilst there is no hard fast rule – three fairly consecutive treatments are usually recommended